The Basics of Poker
When two players have a high or low hand, the high hand wins. However, in case of a tie, the high card wins. If a second player has a high pair, the high card wins. In case of a tie between a high pair and a low hand, the high card wins. Tie breaks if no pair, better than pair, or straight has a better combination. When all-in players win, only their hand is eligible to win.
In four-card hold’em, the two hole cards and three board cards are revealed. In this case, the player with the highest pair has the best hand, which is the “nuts.” The best straight, on the other hand, is a pair of sevens. The river is the last card, which requires two sevens. However, it’s not possible to hit the “nutshot” in a single player tournament. A player with an open-ended straight would have to make a pair of sixes to complete the straight.
Each player has two cards, called an ante, which he or she can choose to bet before the game begins. The ante is a small bet, usually one dollar or five cents, which decides who is the dealer and who will deal the first two cards. Players then make bets based on the strength of their poker hand. If they are confident that they have the best hand, they call, otherwise, they must fold.