The Basics of Poker
Typical poker games use a 52-card deck that is ranked from Ace to ten. The hand with the highest card breaks ties, while the hand with the lowest is not good off the deal.
A pot is the combined amount of all the bets made by all players in one deal. If the opening bet was not made by two or more players, the pot plays.
If there are four or more people tied for the high card, the high card breaks the tie. If there is no high card, the player with the best hand loses the pot. A player may bluff by betting that he has the best hand, but he does not have to win the pot.
A pot can also be won by a player making a bet that no other player calls. This is called an all-in bet. The bet is made in the middle of the table and must be made in a specific number of chips.
The ace is sometimes treated as the lowest card in some games. This means that if a player makes a bet with an ace, he may be the last person to bet.
The first player to make a bet is said to be the “first bettor.” A player who bets less than the previous bettor is said to “call.” A player who bets more than the previous bettor is said to raise.
In some poker games, a wild card can be used to make a five of a kind. A wild card is a card that can take any suit, even if it is not part of the standard poker hand.