The Casino Industry
Casino is a gambling facility offering games of chance and some with skill. It is associated with glitz, glamour and thrills. The business of casinos brings in billions each year for the corporations, investors and Native American tribes that own them. In addition, casinos attract many tourists and locals who are willing to try their luck.
While the precise origin of gambling is unknown, it is widely believed that it has existed in every society throughout history. In modern times, casino gambling is mainly legal and regulated by state law. Federal taxation on casino winnings is also a major concern, and casinos must withhold the appropriate taxes from players’ winnings.
The Casino industry is a highly competitive one, and successful casinos make large profits each year. This money is used to build elaborate hotels and gambling destinations like Las Vegas, NV; Atlantic City, NJ; and other cities and states that have legalized casinos. Casino-type game machines are also found at racetracks (racinos) and in bars, restaurants and truck stops across the country.
A typical casino is protected by a physical security force and a specialized surveillance department. The surveillance staff uses cameras mounted on the ceiling and in walls that allow them to monitor the entire casino floor from a room filled with banks of screens referred to as the “eye-in-the-sky.” The camera system can be adjusted to focus on suspicious patrons or to record evidence of cheating, such as the palming of cards or marking of dice.